St. Paul's
Evangelical Lutheran Church
127 Cherry Rd. NE, Massillon, OH 44646
330 832-7409
Contact Us: Click to send an email
- The Call to Lent: A Season of Reflection and Renewal
- Upcoming events
- Women's Lenten Retreat
- 40 Days of Lenten Giving
- Community Lenten Worship Services
- Ash Wednesday Service
- Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner
- Blood Drive Dates
- Dates for handbells rehearsals
- Bible studies on Sunday and Thursday
- Monday Evening Bible Study
- Church Council highlights
- Income and expense summary
- Capital Fund Update
- Soprano Minnita Daniel-Cox performed February 23
- Masterclass preceded concert
- Reception followed concert
- Opus 216 to perform Sunday, March 9 at 4 pm
- '24-'25 Concert Series: two remaining concerts
- Lenten Organ Recitals
- February Community Meal report
- Are any of these your dishes?
- Soup pick-up day: March 2
- Cards designed by Peg Gibbs
- Pew cleaning
- Devotional crafting
- Prayer list update
- March birthdays
- March wedding anniversaries
- Flowers for the altar for 2025
- Thank you note
- Council members
- Committee members
- Serving during the month of February
- St. Paul's phone app
The Call to Lent: A Season of Reflection and Renewal
Dear Friends in Christ,
Scripture: Joel 2:12-13 – “Even now,” declares the Lord, “return to me with all your heart, with fasting and weeping and mourning.” Rend your heart and not your garments. Return to the Lord your God, for he is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love, and he relents from sending calamity.”
Lent is a sacred season—a time set apart for deep reflection, repentance, and renewal. It is an invitation from God to turn our hearts fully toward Him. Too often, we get caught up in the busyness of life, neglecting the state of our souls. Lent calls us to pause, examine ourselves, and seek a closer relationship with Christ.
The prophet Joel’s words remind us that God desires more than outward religious acts. True repentance is not about merely giving up something for forty days; it is about surrendering our hearts to God in genuine devotion. He longs for a transformation that begins from within—a heart softened by His grace and humbled before His presence.
As we embark on this Lenten journey, let us take time to reflect on our walk with God. Are there areas in our lives where we have drifted from Him? Are there burdens we need to lay at His feet? Through prayer, fasting, and acts of love, we can realign our hearts with His purpose and experience His abundant mercy.
Reflection Questions:
What is God calling you to surrender this Lenten season?
How can you deepen your prayer life and spiritual disciplines?
In what ways can you show Christ’s love and compassion to others during Lent?
Prayer: Heavenly Father, as we begin this Lenten season, draw us closer to You. Help us to set aside distractions and focus on Your presence. Soften our hearts, that we may turn away from sin and seek You with sincerity. May this be a time of renewal, where we grow in faith and love. Thank You for Your endless mercy and grace. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Pastor Mark
The church calendar is always available on every page of the church website on the right side, along with the church address, phone number, email address, and Youtube link for the online services. The online calendar contains the most up-to-date listing of events.
Sunday: Worship 10:00 am
Sunday: Sunday School 11:30 am
Monday: Evening Bible Study with Tina Crog 6 pm
Wednesday: Chancel Choir 7 pm
Wednesday: Snip-N-Stitch 9 am
Thursday: Bible Study 10 am
Tuesday, March 4, 6:30 pm--Worship and Music Committee (1st Tuesday of month)
Friday, March 14, 4:30-6:00 pm--Community Meal and Clothes Closet (2nd Friday of month)
Tuesday, March 11, 7 pm--Church Council (2nd Tuesday of month)
Tuesday, March 18, 6 pm--Finance Committee (3rd Tuesday of month)
Sunday, March 9: Daylight Savings Time--Spring Forward!
Prayer: Let’s Talk to God
Saturday, March 1, 9 am to 3 pm
St. Paul’s Lutheran Church
You are invited to attend a Women’s Lenten Retreat on Saturday, March 1 from 9 am until 3 pm at the church. The theme of the retreat is prayer. Bible study, practical strategies to improve a life of prayer, and worship will be included. The retreat is being led by LaShell Williamson and Patty Long.
New: Lunch and beverages will be provided.
Sign-ups are encouraged but not required. We have 17 sign-ups so far.
If you are able to attend only the morning session, you are more than welcome to come to just that part of the retreat.
The Social Welfare and Evangelism Committees are asking for your participation in this year's Lenten giving project. We will be raising money to help provide families around the world with access to safe drinking water. We are so privileged to have daily access to drinking water in our homes, schools, and businesses. For many people hours and hours each day are spent trying to gather water for their families and loved ones. Very often this water is polluted or in some way unsafe to drink. The ELCA helps bring simple wells and other water sources to communities in need.
Look for details and how you can contribute in the coming weeks. In advance, thank you for your consideration.
Cindy Lash and Kathryn Myers
Community Lenten Worship Services
Through the season of Lent, churches in the Massillon area will once again meet together for worship and Holy Communion, rotating locations and preachers. Our focus this year is “The Five Themes of Lent.”
A light dinner of soup and salad will be served at 5:30 pm. Then at 6:30 pm, we will worship together in the style of the host congregation. Childcare may be provided.
Offerings will go to the Family Living Center, which provides housing for local families in need.
March 12th – St. Paul’s Lutheran Rev. David Oliver Kling preaching on prayer 127 Cherry Rd NE, Massillon, OH 44646
March 19th – St. Timothy’s Episcopal Rev. Ash Welch preaching on fasting 226 3rd St SE, Massillon, OH 44646 *incense will be used
March 26th – St. John’s UCC Rev. Tina Crog preaching on almsgiving 01 Tremont Ave SE, Massillon, OH 44646
April 2nd – First UMC Rev. David Anderson preaching on penitence 301 Lincoln Way E, Massillon, OH 44646
April 9th – First Baptist Church Rev. Ed Hill preaching on repentance 20 Sixth St. SE, Massillon, OH 44646
Join us on March 5, 2025, at 7:00 pm, as we begin our forty-day journey toward Easter with a solemn service of repentance and renewal.
Ash Wednesday marks us with the dust of our mortality while tracing the life-giving cross we received in baptism. As we enter this season of reflection, we remember that while we turn our hearts toward God, we have already been reconciled through Christ.
Our service will be led by clergy from three Lutheran churches in Massillon: Pastor Tina Crog (preaching), Pastor Mark Kreemer (presiding), and Pastor Ash Welch (assisting).
Together, we will confess our need for God’s mercy, receive the imposition of ashes, and renew our commitment to bearing the fruits of mercy and justice in the world.
Come and worship as we begin this holy season together.
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner
The Fellowship Committee invites you to a delicious pancake dinner on Shrove Tuesday, March 4. Mark your calendar!
Save the dates to give the gift of life.
2025 Blood Drives @ St. Paul's:
Noon until 6:00 pm
Monday March 3, 2025
Monday May 5, 2025
Monday, August 25, 2025
Click on or copy and paste the link below to schedule an appointment for our next blood drive.
Dates for handbells rehearsals
Save the dates for spring handbell ringing! The bells will rehearse March 12, 19, & 26 in preparation to play March 30 AND April 30, May 7, & May 14 in preparation to play on May 18! Please let Abby know if you plan to ring so that she can have music prepared for you!
Bible studies on Sunday and Thursday
Adult Sunday School Class
God is With Us
I am with you and will keep you wherever you go…. (Genesis 28:15a)
During the month of March, we will continue to study the life of Jacob and watch the ways in which God’s presence and promise of keeping guide and protect him. Even when Jacob fails, God’s grace is poured out. And so it is with us!
We meet together each Sunday morning at 11:30 for fellowship and Bible study, top floor of Parish Hall. An elevator is available for your convenience.
Thursday Morning Bible Study
John: The Gospel of Light and Life
By: Adam Hamilton
Staring March 13th, 10:00 am
Embark on a journey through the Book of John's narrative and discover anew "the Gospel of light"! Exploring its rich images, Hamilton offers illuminating insights into the profound themes of the Word made flesh; Jesus' miraculous signs; his "I AM" sayings; his farewell discourse; the arrest, trial, and crucifixion; and the promise of eternal life. 176 pages, softcover from Abingdon.
Monday Evening Bible Study
Back by Popular Demand! Join us as we continue our inspiring Bible study. Each week until Lent, we’ll explore and reflect on the Scripture readings from Sunday Worship.
This study is co-led by Pastor Tina Crog of St. Jacob Lutheran Church and Pastor Ash Welch of Christ Lutheran Church. We will gather in the welcoming atmosphere of Tremont Coffee shop in downtown Massillon (215 Erie St N, Massillon, OH).
Whether you’re new to Bible study or have been studying Scripture for years, all are welcome to come, learn, and grow together in faith. Bring your Bible and a friend!
Pastor Tina Crog is the Pastor at St. Jacob’s Lutheran Church in Massillon
email: pastortina@stjacob.org
Church Council highlights
Report from Tuesday, February 11, 2025, Council meeting
Ash Wednesday and Lenten services
Church Council met on Tuesday, February 11. Pastor Mark shared in his report that as we soon begin the season of Lent, St. Paul’s will be hosting the Lutheran churches in Massillon for the Ash Wednesday service on March 5, at 7 p.m. Pastor Tina Crog will give the message. Pastor Mark and other local Lutheran pastors will participate in the service as well. In addition, the Massillon Clergy Association has scheduled the weekly services during Lent to include the following locations and themes: March 12, St. Paul’s Lutheran Church (Prayer), March 19, St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church (Fasting), March 26, St. John’s United Church of Christ (Almsgiving), April 2, First United Methodist Church (Penitence), and April 9, First Baptist Church (Repentance).
Property and Management Committee
Dennis Morgan reported for the Property and Management Committee regarding their January 28 meeting. The Dan Buxton Roofing & Construction Company is eager to begin the flat roof replacement on the church building just as soon as the weather permits. While we wait, Buxton is willing to address any leaks that may occur before the work on replacing the roof begins. Coon Restoration completed the tower roof cleanup at no charge. They will begin stonework repair as the weather allows. Abbot Electric completed repairs to the church altar area pendant lighting fixtures, including replacement of spotlights, greatly improving the brightness at the front of the church. All of the lighting is now energy-saving LED. The Standard Plumbing & Heating Company continues to provide us with updates on the progress being made on the manufacturing of the new church boiler, which will likely be installed in the spring when the heat is switched off. Thankfully, the current, and very old boiler has been providing reliable heating during these very cold months of winter.
Bluetooth hearing devices
Both the Property and Management and Worship and Music Committees had recommended exploring options for purchasing hearing devices that would connect to the church Bluetooth system, helping those in the congregation who need additional amplification to better hear the service. A system has been identified for a one-time cost of $3,300. It includes four inhouse hearing devices, however those wearing hearing aids that utilize Bluetooth could also connect through the church audio system after downloading the available app, at no cost. Council approved the purchase.
Cindy Lash reported for the Welfare & Social Action Committee and recommended that we participate in the Lenten “40 Days of Giving” and collect funds that would then be used to purchase “ELCA Good Gifts” for communities in need, supported through ELCA churchwide ministries. The Welfare & Social Action Committee will then decide which “good gifts” to purchase given the amount collected specifically for “40 Days of Giving.” Please mark your offering envelope accordingly if you would like to participate in this broader-church ministry opportunity.
Bids for entry way and bathrooms
Pastor Mark also reported on the Capital Campaign and noted we are moving closer to realizing our giving goal. Also, the architect we hired, John Picard, has drawings ready to go out for bid on February 21 for the entry project, for the new accessible bathrooms across from the church lounge, and for some renovation to the restrooms outside the Parish Hall dining hall, in order to make them more user friendly. We look forward to receiving the bids and moving forward on these exciting building projects, making our facilities for ministry more accessible and comfortable for all. None of this can happen without the faithful support of our congregation. Thank you!
ELCA response to immigration and refugee services
Patty Long shared information with Council made available through the ELCA concerning changes in the law on immigration and refugee services. Churches, along with schools and hospitals, are no longer considered “protected areas.” Previously, immigration enforcement would take place outside these locations. In addition, a response from Global Refuge, formerly known as Lutheran Immigration & Refugee Services, was shared with Council in response to false accusations made concerning use of funds. The statement says in part: “Rooted in our proud Lutheran heritage, Global Refuge and our dedicated network of providers stand ready to assist the new administration in welcoming families who need to resettle in our country, helping ensure they learn our language, secure jobs that help our economy grow, and quickly become vital contributors to communities. To do otherwise would run contrary to the spirit of our Christian faith, America’s identity as a nation of immigrants, and our role as a global humanitarian leader.” (Global Refuge Statement on Misinformation around our Humanitarian Work, February 2, 2025.)
May God continue to grant us wisdom and compassion as we seek to minister to and care for all in the name of Jesus.
Respectfully shared,
Patty Long
President, Church Council
Income and expense summary
Financial notes: Our $4,000 quarterly income from the Fannie Portz Endowment helped offset three large repair bills totaling $3,722. Also, a number of our members directed their Thrivent Choice Dollars to St Paul’s. The deadline for directing 2024 choice dollars is March 31. Thanks to all who donated.
--Dan Farrar, Treasurer
Soprano Minnita Daniel-Cox performed February 23
The poet, the composers, the musicians--each facet of this concert was showcased on Sunday afternoon. Each poem by Paul Laurence Dunbar was first shown on the screen accompanied by a narrated interpretation. We were able to appreciate how various composers arranged music for the poems since the pieces were grouped by the 6 different composers. And finally, those compositions were beautifully expressed by the rich and pure soprano notes and the expressive piano collaboration.
We could see and hear the genius of the words themselves, the concepts and styles of the composers, and the power of the moment when the music brought it all to life.
Click below to view the concert.
Masterclass preceded concert
Saturday afternoon, Dr. Daniel-Cox met with students for a masterclass. There were two singers from University of Akron and one from Baldwin Wallace.
Reception followed concert
Even though she had a long drive back to Dayton that evening, Dr. Daniel-Cox graciously took time to mingle with her new admirers.
Opus 216 to perform Sunday, March 9, at 4 pm
Join us on Sunday, March 9, at 4:00 PM to hear works of Beethoven, Caroline Shaw, Handel-Halvorsen, and Massenet along with French and South American jazz, folk music, and love songs played by OPUS 216.
Equally versed in classical and non-classical styles, OPUS 216 has created a niche experience for high-level performances that can cover any genre, from classical to French café jazz, Top 40, hip hop, South American and midcentury American jazz, Irish and American fiddle, original music, and improvisation.
Trained at top-tier conservatories like the world-renowned Cleveland Institute of Music, Manhattan School of Music, Juilliard, and others, OPUS 216 musicians make Cleveland their home for its vibrancy, professional development opportunities, arts and culture. Performers at St. Paul’s include Ariel Karas, violin; Brian Slawta, viola; Trevor Kazarian, cello; Steven Brija, bass; and Patrick Duke Graney, percussion.
You won’t want to miss the fantastic afternoon of music!
'24-'25 Concert Series: two remaining concerts
Note from our Director of Music, Dr. Abigail Haake:
Part of our mission is to make our concerts accessible to all. All concerts are offered at no cost to those attending, and while we do collect a free will offering at every concert, the monies collected cover only a portion of our expenses.
Would you consider helping us with this outreach ministry by becoming a patron? Any donation is gratefully and joyfully received!
DONOR LEVELS to be recognized in programs at the concert:
Patron: $50+ Beethoven Circle: $150+ Bach Circle: $250+ Conductor's Circle: $500 and over
You can give electronically on your smart phone by texting STPAUL MASSILLON to 833-245-7486 and select one-time donation to Cathedral Concert Series.
During the weeks of Lent, St. Joseph's Church at 322 Third Street SE, Massillon, will once again host organ recitals, beginning at noon on most Wednesdays, starting on March 12. Five different organists from our area will play music appropriate for the Lenten season. The recitals last approximately 30 minutes. You are invited to attend these free events.
On March 26 Phyllis Staver and her sister Holly Fox will play numerous organ and piano duets. The title of their program is "Songs of Praise & Hymns of Love."
February Community Meal report
On a festive Valentine's Day afternoon, we served 83 with rigatoni & meatballs, dinner roll, green beans, and dessert. The dining room was decorated in red, pink and white with festive streamers.
Cindy Lash provided various items for attendees to take home, and grocery items were given out by Veronica Kreemer. All were very appreciative of our generosity and friendliness.
A huge thank you to those who provided Valentines and other various desserts. Your response to our request was overwhelming. You are awesome!
We were also visited by a Massillon Police Officer. At our last meal, a few of us talked about extending an invitation to our officers on duty during this time as a thank you for their service. David met with Police Chief Jason Saintenoy, who was very appreciative of our generosity. As chief, he was looking at the invitation as a way for the officers to reach out and connect with our community, whereas we were looking at providing a meal.
A win-win for all! This inclusion also provides the sense of security.
Much appreciation to our volunteers and those who support us financially. You keep us strong!
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Kim or David.
Please continue to pray for our mission, and those in need.
Blessings and Peace,
phone links: Kim Oberlin and David Stoner
email links: Kim Oberlin and David Stoner
Are any of these your dishes?
If any of these belong to you, please pick up in the dining room kitchen as soon as possible.
Thank you,
David Stoner
Soup pick-up day: March 2
"Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up." Ecclesiastes 4:9-10
From God's Kitchen Angels: We had such a wonderful time making Chicken Rivel Soup. A grand total of 82 quarts! Of course we used Anneliese Daniel's original recipe. Anneliese has always been willing to share and teach us her family recipes. She has shared recipes for her German Potato Salad and her famous cutout cookies, which we make at Christmas time. Whether in person or a phone call when we're asking for guidance, she is a such a vital part of our church family. We are truly blessed by her. We all love you, Anneliese!
When we finish the Stuffed Pepper Soup next week, we will have made approximately 300 quarts of soup.
Cards designed by Peg Gibbs
During the soup pick up on March 2, you may also wish to purchase note cards from a variety of Christmas, church, and nature photos by our excellent photographer Peg Gibbs.
From the art show held earlier this year, Peg sold six photos and donated $100 to the church. All proceeds from this sale will be donated as well.
Prices are $2 for a single card or $10 for 6 cards.
Saturday morning, February 22, a group of 25 St. Paul's members met to give the pews and woodwork a good cleaning with Murphy Oil soap and elbow grease!
Windows to Wonder: A Devotional Crafting Series for Lent 2025
This Lent, engage your faith through devotional crafting with Windows to Wonder, a creative series inspired by Nicodemus’ journey in the Gospel of John. Choose from three free creative options: a mystery cross-stitch stitch-along, a crochet-along shawl, or weekly creative writing prompts. Each craft is paired with a devotional podcast co-hosted by Pastors Tina Crog and Angel Jackson, exploring how we see Jesus more clearly over time.
Deepen your faith with this prayerful, hands-on Lenten journey! All materials are free. Visit www.stitchologycrafts.com/windowstowondersal to learn more!
Choose from 3 Creative Ways to Participate • Cross-Stitch Stitch-Along - Stitch a stained-glass window design, with a new section of the pattern unveiled each Monday. Perfect for advanced beginners &intermediate stitchers, this project features bold colors and simple backstitching. • Crochet-Along Shawl - Work through 40 days of Lent by crocheting four rows a day, creating a shawl featuring a variety of crochet window designs. Ideal for those familiar with single and double crochet stitches. • Creative Writing Prompts - Pastor Laura Franks Benton of Just Brave Enough invites you to explore faith through storytelling with Profiles ni Courage, a series of prompts inspired by Nicodemus. Each prompt stands alone, but together they wil form a mini collection of reflections, poems, or short stories. This series is completely free to join, and each week's content wil be accompanied by our devotional podcast, offering reflections on Nicodemus' journey and how we, too, can recognize God's presence in new ways.
Want everything in one place? Cross-stitch kits are available for purchase on Etsy, including al materials needed to fully participate in the Stitch-Along. Join us this Lent as we craft, reflect, and grow together!
Anna Lagenfeld, Jay Danielson, Dan Lint, Rick Sadler, Chrissy Sturtz, Shirley Douglas, Matt Moore, Amy Williams, Phyllis Wilson, Jackie Whitman, Jessie Shaffer, Mark King, Rick Theiss, Ariane Roberts, and David Fox.
Favorite Bible or hymn verses: Every month we invite those celebrating birthdays to share their favorite verses. Be ready to send in yours!
Marsha Fortune, March 12: "I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another." John 13:34-35
LaShell Williamson, March 15: "The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms." Deuteronomy 33:27
Marilyn Perkowski, March 19: "Here I am, Lord." Isaiah 6:8
Mar 5--Benjamin Bunting
Mar 6--Dana Cottle
Mar 8--Sydney Johnson
Mar 9--John Liebermann
Mar 12--Marsha Fortune
Mar 13--Sue Morgan
Mar 15--Deb Schmolt
Mar 15--Richard Theiss
Mar 15--Mark Kreemer
Mar 15--LaShell Williamson
Mar 15--Marilyn Sheaters
Mar 15--Rebecca Myers
Mar 15--Matthew Karch
Mar 17--Michael Reiman
Mar 18--Scott Larson
Mar 19--Marilyn Perkowski
Mar 24--Joel Moden
Mar 25--Gretchan Sekulich
Mar 26--Eric Myers
Mar 30--Wanda Evans
Mar 30--Carol Stoner
Mar 31--Christopher Johns
Mar 31--Nancy Morningstar
Has your birthday or anniversary been missing from the published lists? If so, please contact the office so we can add it to our database. Thank you!
March wedding anniversaries
March 22-- Bryan & Kathleen Corban
This year is our 50th! We were married at Christ Lutheran on Amherst Ave., which is where we met.
March22--John & Jennifer Stanko
Flowers for the altar for 2025
Please text Sue Ambrosic at 330-844-7648 if you would like to have the Altar or Throne flowers for 2025.
The cost of Altar flowers is $40 per Sunday; the Throne flowers are $28. Please contact Patty Carmola if you have any questions at 330-832-9405. You will be billed directly by Carmola's Flowers in Massillon.
The flower chart on the Parish Hall bulletin board indicates open dates that are available. You may sign up on that and we will follow through.
My mother-in-law, Leona Corban, would like to thank everyone who has been sending cards and the shut in packages. Her memory has faded a bit, but with prompting, she can remember who the cards are from. She is able to attend church with her daughter Marla, whom she lives with now. Thanks again. --Kathleen Corbin
Dwight Butler
Gary Collard
Shane Jackson
Cindy Lash
Dennis Morgan
Kathryn Myers
Barb Palmer
Jackie Pritchett
Carol Stoner
Kathryn Myers, Chair
Amy Burkett,
Sue Ambrosic
Gayle Jackson
Becky Johnson
Cindy Lash
Deidra Monastra
Dan Farrar, Chair
Shane Jackson
Greg Klein
John Liebermann
Patty Long
Tracie Schmolt
John Stanko
Greg Klein, Chair
Carol Butler
Dwight Butler
Abigail Haake
Karl Kalk
Patty Long
Kathryn Myers
Kim Oberlin
Phyllis Staver
Cindy Lash, Chair
Christine Bates
Judy Fichter
Lynda Klein
Deidra Monastra
Kathryn Myers
Kim Oberlin
JuDee Reed
David Stoner
LaShell Williamson
Jim Johnson, Chair
Dave Allman
Joe Hepler
John Liebermann
Dennis Morgan, Liaison for Chair
Paul Mutchler
John Stanko
Serving during the month of March
If you are interested in serving for a future month, click on the contact person's email link.
Contact Karl Kalk
3/2–Veronica Kreemer 3/5–Kathryn Myers (Ash Wednesday) 3/9–Scott Larson 3/12–Karl Kalk (Community Lenten Service) 3/16–Dave Stoner 3/23–Veronica Kreemer 3/30–Sue Reid
Contact Patty Long
3/2: Dennis Morgan & Kathryn Myers 3/9: Tracie Schmolt & Carol Stoner
3/16: Dwight Butler & Cindy Lash
3/23: Patty Long and Gary Collard
3/30: Shane Jackson & Barb Palmer
Contact Karl Kalk
3/2–Craig Maurer 3/9–Brady & Morgan Rupp 3/16–Marilyn Norton 3/23–Sue Ambrosic 3/30–Rob Pritchett
Contact Dick Longworth
Gary Collard, Chris Hall, Shane Jackson, and Craig Maurer
Choose My Church by Pushpay from the App Store.
Find the "My Church" by Pushpay app in the App store on your phone or computer. It is a free download.
Open the app and search for St. Paul's by typing STPLC APP. Then click on the St. Paul's logo.
To take advantage of all the app’s features, you must create an account. Get notifications and reminders of upcoming events, access our live stream worship and worship bulletins, send prayer requests, see the church calendar, and give electronically.
St. Paul's
Evangelical Lutheran Church
We are a community of believers called together to be the Body of Christ for the sake of our families, community and our world. We invite you to join us for worship on Sunday mornings as we celebrate God’s redeeming and freeing grace in Jesus Christ our Lord.
The Reverend Mark Kreemer officiating.
Thank you to all who have submitted photos for this newsletter. To see more photos, follow the Facebook pages listed below.
Cathedral Concerts Facebook Page
St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church
127 Cherry Rd. NE, Massillon, OH 44646
330 832-7409
Office Hours: T, W, F 9am-1pm
ELCA Vision: A world experiencing the difference God’s grace and love in Christ make for all people and creation..