St. Paul's
Evangelical Lutheran Church
127 Cherry Rd. NE, Massillon, OH 44646
330 832-7409
- Pastoral message
- Upcoming events
- Bible studies on Sunday and Thursday
- Friendship Circle
- Church Council highlights
- Income and expense summary
- Capital Fund Update
- New feature on church website: 1997 edition of church history
- July Community Meal report
- Salvation Army School Supplies
- '24-'25 Concert Series
- Concert Series wins OAC grant
- Scholarship renewal and application
- Prayer list
- August birthdays
- August anniversaries
- Flowers for the altar
- Council members
- Committee members
- Serving during the month of August
- St. Paul's phone app
Pastoral message: Faith Amidst the Storm
Dear Friends in Christ,
Scripture Reading: Matthew 8:23-27 (NIV)
Then he got into the boat and his disciples followed him. Suddenly a furious storm came up on the lake, so that the waves swept over the boat. But Jesus was sleeping. The disciples went and woke him, saying, “Lord, save us! We’re going to drown!” He replied, “You of little faith, why are you so afraid?” Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm. The men were amazed and asked, “What kind of man is this? Even the winds and the waves obey him!”
In times of political unrest and uncertainty, it can feel as if we are caught in a storm, much like the disciples on the Sea of Galilee. The winds of change, the waves of division, and the tumult of societal conflict can cause fear and anxiety to rise within us. We might find ourselves echoing the disciples' cry: “Lord, save us! We’re going to drown!”
Yet, Jesus’ response to his disciples provides a powerful reminder for us today. “You of little faith, why are you so afraid?” He challenges us to examine the source of our fear and to redirect our focus from the storm to Him. Jesus' authority over the natural elements underscores His sovereignty over all circumstances, including the political and social turmoil we face.
Christ is Present with Us in the Storm: Just as Jesus was physically present with His disciples in the boat, He is with us in the midst of our challenges. His presence provides comfort and assurance that we are not alone, no matter how fierce the storm.
Trust Over Fear: Fear often stems from uncertainty and a lack of control. However, as believers, we are called to live by faith, not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7). Trusting in God's plan and His goodness helps to quell the fear that arises from the chaos around us.
Prayerful Dependence: In times of political unrest, our first response should be to pray. Philippians 4:6-7 encourages us to bring all our anxieties to God in prayer and promises that His peace, which transcends all understanding, will guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
Active Faith: Having faith doesn’t mean being passive. We are called to be salt and light in the world (Matthew 5:13-16), advocating for justice, peace, and truth in our communities. Engaging in the political process with a Christ-centered perspective can be a powerful testimony of our faith.
Lord Jesus, we acknowledge Your sovereignty over all things, including the political storms we face. Help us to place our trust in You rather than being overwhelmed by fear. Grant us Your peace and wisdom to navigate these times with grace and faith. May we be instruments of Your love and justice in a world that desperately needs Your light. Amen.
In these turbulent times, let us hold fast to the truth that Jesus is in the boat with us, capable of calming any storm. Let our faith in Him guide our actions and bring peace to our hearts, no matter the political climate.
Pastor Mark
The church calendar is always available on every page of the church website on the right side, along with the church address, phone number, email address, and Youtube link for the online services. The online calendar contains the most up-to-date listing of events.
Tuesday, August 13, 7 pm--Church Council
Friday, August 9, 4:30-6:00 pm--Community Meal and Clothes Closet
August 18, immediately following worship service
Join us on the church lawn after church. Chuck Richard will be providing music, and we will have lawn games. Parish Fellowship will be grilling hamburgers and hot dogs and will provide drinks. Please bring a covered dish. If your last name starts with
A-F, bring a salad or appetizer
G-N, bring a side dish
O-Z, bring a dessert.
Bring a lawn chair if you want to be comfortable as you watch games and listen to music.
August 25, immediately following worship service
Upcoming American Red Cross Blood Drives
If you are willing to give blood this summer, show up at our church on
August 26, noon-6:00
Deadline for September issue news: August 21
Bible studies on Sunday and Thursday
Adult Sunday School Class
Taking a break for the summer!
The Adult Sunday School Class will not meet during the summer months but will resume on September 8th with a new series of lessons. God’s blessings to you!
Thursday Morning Bible Study
Taking a break for the summer!
Pastor Mark plans to start back up in September with a new study.
No Friendship Circle is scheduled for August. They will meet again in September on the first Thursday, the 5th.
Church Council highlights
Report from July 9, 2024, Council meeting
Welcome to new Council Members
Church Council met on July 9, the first of the new fiscal year when newly-elected members to Council fully participate. And they did! An orientation meeting was held for the new members prior to the full Council meeting in order to review the Church Constitution, particularly pertaining to the role and responsibilities of Church Council. We are grateful for the contributions these new members, Dwight Butler, Shane Jackson, Dennis Morgan, Barb Palmer, and Jackie Pritchett, are already making to the ministry work of St. Paul’s.
Synod to explore collaboration
Pastor Mark shared his report which included informing the Council of a meeting on Saturday, August 3, at 9 am, organized by the synod to be held at St. Jacob Lutheran Church. Massillon area Lutheran churches have been invited to send clergy as well as Council members who will then consider together how the churches might more intentionally collaborate for the benefit of all. Seven Council members from St. Paul’s are willing to attend along with Pastor Mark.
Pastor Mark also informed Council that he will be away on Sunday, August 11, to preach at the church in which he was raised. Patty Long will lead the service at St. Paul’s and preach on that Sunday.
Salvation Army School Supplies
Cindy Lash reported for the Welfare and Social Action Committee. Collecting school supplies from our members to be distributed by the Salvation Army is well underway. The contributions are greatly appreciated!
The Mission Endowment Committee recommended to Council that $4,000 be donated out of the endowment fund to the St. Paul’s Care Bag ministry. As reported by Veronica Kreemer who provides leadership for this ministry, its goal is “to contribute to the health and welfare of our community.” The Care Bags include “a few non-perishable necessities to guests who dine at our Community Meal each month. Now more than ever, our guests tell us that the Care Bags help them to stretch their limited funds a bit each month.” Council gladly approved the recommendation.
Boiler bid and roof maintenance
Dennis Morgan reported for the Property Management Committee. It was recommended to Council that we accept the bid from Standard Plumbing and Heating to install a boiler in the church building for $115,588. Council approved the purchase and installation contract. The boiler has been ordered, and it’s estimated it will be available for installation sometime in October. It was also reported that roof maintenance on the church building (flat roofs) has occurred in the last month to stop leaking around the flashing.
Contributions are still being received for the Capital Campaign, including approximately $100,000 from a donor who would like the funds to go toward the new accessible bathrooms to be built across the hall from the Gleitsman Lounge. It is anticipated that the next step will be to get architectural plans drawn for the project, as was recently done for the church entrance project. Be sure that there is activity underway to bring these capital improvement projects to fruition. However, with so much necessary planning, especially as it relates to building codes, construction will not likely begin before spring 2025. We continue to give thanks for the obvious generosity of our congregation toward these projects, even as support continues to be received for other ministries.
Congregational Meeting set for August 25th
New business for Council included approving the date for the August Congregational meeting, which will be August 25th, at which time the church will review the Annual Report for 2023-2024. Those chairing committees or providing leadership in other areas of ministry are asked to submit their reports electronically to Tracie Schmolt (financeadmin@stpaulsmassillon.org) no later than Friday, August 9. (Sunday, August 4 is preferred!)
Other new business included establishing a new church committee which will be called the Internal Financial Audit Committee. The committee will conduct an annual audit of the St. Paul’s Lutheran Church financial records. The audit will take place as close to the end of the fiscal year as possible. The committee will prepare reports for both Church Council and the congregation. Three individuals who have accounting and business backgrounds have been identified to serve on the committee. They include Dwight Butler, Barb Palmer, and Craig Maurer. Their willingness to serve in this important work is greatly appreciated. The practice of conducting yearly internal financial audits reflects best practice regarding church finance, especially since many churches find external audits cost prohibitive.
Respectfully shared,
Patty Long
President, Church Council
Income and expense summary
Financial notes: This was our second month in a row with a large deficit. We were over budget for repairs again this month that included $3,200 for the Parish Hall window repairs. We did finish our fiscal year with a surplus for the first time since 2018, and we should be back on track in July.
Dan Farrar, Treasurer
Phase 2 (Bathrooms & Heating and cooling)
New feature on church website: 1997 edition of church history
Under the "About Us" tab on our church website, you will be able to access the entire 1997 edition of A Chronicle of St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, a legacy left to us by Jim and Mildred Cook.
We scanned the pages and made the chapters separate links for easy navigation.
One of the most beautiful features of our church is the stained glass art. Read about the meaning of this art form in the chapter devoted to the windows.
July Community Meal report
Jack and Marsha Fortune report on the past month's Community Meal:
St. Paul’s opened its doors for the monthly Community Meal and Community Closet on Friday, July 12. All enjoyed our summertime menu consisting of a creamed chicken sandwich, homemade macaroni salad, a fresh fruit cup, a choice of beverage, and either a cookie or a brownie for dessert. The chicken, the fruit, and much of the dessert were donated. A total of 99 meals were served, with numerous seconds. Included in this number were 6 children. All were warmly welcomed and each given a special gift from the congregation. An excess tray of macaroni salad was donated to Make-A -Way.
We were very busy on this particular Friday. We are fortunate to have such a fine crew of dedicated volunteers. There is so much need, and it is important that we do what we can. Please know that we can always use more help. To find out how, please contact either Jack or Marsha Fortune.
The Community Closet was visited by nearly all of those who came to eat. This is such an important part of our ministry and we thank you for keeping us so well stocked! Your generosity of donations has been wonderful!
Our care bag tables presented a startling sight at the end of the evening. They were totally empty! Absolutely nothing was left! In all the many months that we have had this ministry, I have never seen it stripped clean, until now. God be praised that we have and are willing and able to support our community and their many needs.
Our ministry here is a reflection of our love for this community and those in need. We are all God’s people. All praise and honor to Him!
St. Paul’s Community Meal and Community Closet provide a free meal and clothing for all on the 2nd Friday of each month. Our next opening is Friday, August 9 from 4:30 to 6:00. Thank you for your prayers and continued support.
--Jack and Marsha Fortune
Salvation Army School Supplies
Note from Cindy Lash:
Thank you for your generous donations of school supplies to the Salvation Army.
Wednesday, August 7, school items will be given out at the Back-to-School Bash at the Salvation Army.
Note from our Director of Music, Dr. Abigail Haake:
Part of our mission is to make our concerts accessible to all. All concerts are offered at no cost to those attending, and while we do collect a free will offering at every concert, the monies collected cover only a portion of our expenses.
Would you consider helping us with this outreach ministry by becoming a patron? Any donation is gratefully and joyfully received!
Thomas, Abby, Henry, and John Haake are pleased to make St. Paul's their church home.
DONOR LEVELS to be recognized in programs at the concert:
Patron: $50+ Beethoven Circle: $150+ Bach Circle: $250+ Conductor's Circle: $500 and over
For more information, go to our website, and click on “donor form.” https://stpaulsmassillon.org/concert-series
OR You can also give electronically on your smart phone by texting STPAUL MASSILLON to 833-245-7486, and select one-time donation to Cathedral Concert Series.
Please note the time change from last month's Bridge for the first concert: 5:00 pm. The date for the last concert has been corrected to Saturday.
Concert Series wins OAC grant
Dr. Haake is very happy to announce that her application for an ArtSTART grant was approved for funding by the Ohio Arts Council. The concert series fund will receive $3,642 from the OAC for organizational project support as a matching grant for monies we fundraise.
The application process was very rigorous. Among the notes as to why we were awarded these funds were the following comments: "highly qualified leadership, variety of performers is commendable, efforts to engage diverse audiences are notable, and budget is solid with excellent use of in-kind support."
The goal to fund the concert series for the ’24-’25 season is $20,000, which would cover the costs of programs, advertising, honorariums, travel, lodging, and meals, as applicable to each concert. With your donations and this grant, we are well on the way!
Scholarship renewal and application
It's time to apply or renew scholarship applications for the 2024-2025 fall semester. The scholarship committee is running behind schedule due to the transition of new members on council, so this information is coming out a little later than usual.
All renewal applications are sent via email and text to the recipients from the previous year.
New applicants can request an application starting July 22 by texting Barb Palmer at 330-244-1602 for the application link.
DEADLINE to be considered for the scholarship is August 12. Scholarship recipients will then be voted upon by the Scholarship Committee. Recipients will be notified, and rewards will be sent via postal mail to the address on the application within the month of August.
Chrissy Sturtz, Donnie Whitman, Risa Blyer, Michael Jordan, Rick Theiss, Mary Ann Hinton, Dave Paul, Cheryl Lash, Jessica Swank, Mary Martin, Mary Ann Breslin, Amy White, Lindsay Mays, Errett Butler, and Theresa Eckleberry.
Favorite Bible or hymn verses: Every month we invite those celebrating birthdays to share their favorite verses. Be ready to send yours in!
Barbara Palmer: "Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path" (Psalms 119:105).
Jim Myers: "Be joyful because you have hope. Be patient when trouble comes and pray at all times" (Romans 12:12).
Jonathon Stuck: "He has shown you what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God" (Micah 6:8).
Aug 3--Richard Stern
Aug 3--Grant Lash
Aug 5--Jeannie Tidwell
Aug 5--Barbara Palmer
Aug 6--Paul Mutchler
Aug 7--Kim Gray
Aug 9--Brian Johnson
Aug 10-Riley Hostetler
Aug 10-JaredLafferty
Aug 11-Michael Skelly
Aug 13--Diane Books
Aug 14--Rebecca Moden
Aug 14--Gary Collard
Aug 14--Tracie Schmolt
Aug 15--James Myers
Aug 16--Larry Rollins
Aug 19--Eddie Langford
Aug 19--Niall Slater
Aug 20--Jonathon Stuck
Aug 21--Lori Davila
Aug 22--Karl Kalk
Aug 23--Haven Dovel
Aug 23--Alexander Myers
Aug 24--Natalia Monastra
Aug 25--Jack Hoffman
Aug 25--Antonio Davila
Aug 28--Sabrina Skelly
Aug 29--Patricia Long
Aug 30--Phillip Downey
Aug 30--Bob Englehart
Aug 31--Amy White
Aug 3--Gregory & Lynda Klein
Aug 7--Paul & Karen Daily
Aug 9--Robert & Nancy Morningstar
Aug 12--Benjamin & Danese Bunting
Aug 16--Christopher & Sharon Johns
Aug 21--Scott & Jennifer Larson
Aug 22--Gary & Deborah Brown
Aug 23--Russell & Mary Ann Poling
Karen Smith and Paul Daily met each other in Jackson High School. They were married in St. Paul’s 64 years ago by the Rev. James R Long. Paul was employed by Timken Roller Bearing, and served as a volunteer for 8 years for the Jackson Fire department. Karen was employed by Finefrock Furniture, and Casey’s Countryside furniture. They have three children: Paula Wright, Brian Daily, and Denise Risaliti; as well as two grandchildren: Eliana and Rocco Risaliti. Their youngest daughter Denise and her husband Rocco were married also in St. Paul’s on Karen and Paul’s 50th wedding anniversary, August 7th. They shared a wonderful reception together.
Russell and Mary Ann Poling are celebrating 23 years on the 23rd!
"After meeting on the street corner watching the Massillon McKinley parade 24 years ago, we were married eight months later! It’s been a fun and loving 23 years and hoping for many, many more!"
Scott and Jennifer Larson were married 20 years ago at the Church of Christ in Canton. Presiding ministers were Lance Lindenberger and Rev. Dr. John Mann. Their two children are Corey and Brooke.
Greg and Lynda Klein were married 33 years ago at St. Paul’s by Assistant Pastor Charlie Woodward.
Please text Sue Ambrosic at 330-844-7648 if you would like to have the Altar or Throne flowers for 2024.
The cost of Altar flowers is $40 per Sunday; the Throne flowers are $28. Please contact Patty Carmola if you have any questions at 330-832-9405. You will be billed directly by Carmola's Flowers in Massillon.
Dwight Butler
Gary Collard
Shane Jackson
Cindy Lash
Dennis Morgan
Kathryn Myers
Barb Palmer
Jackie Pritchett
Carol Stoner
Kathryn Myers, Chair
Amy Burkett,
Sue Ambrosic
Gayle Jackson
Becky Johnson
Cindy Lash
Deidra Monastra
Dan Farrar, Chair
Shane Jackson
Greg Klein
John Liebermann
Patty Long
Tracie Schmolt
John Stanko
Greg Klein, Chair
Carol Butler
Dwight Butler
Abigail Haake
Karl Kalk
Patty Long
Kathryn Myers
Kim Oberlin
Phyllis Staver
Cindy Lash, Chair
Christine Bates
Judy Fichter
Lynda Klein
Deidra Monastra
Kathryn Myers
Kim Oberlin
JuDee Reed
David Stoner
LaShell Williamson
Jim Johnson, Chair
Dave Allman
Joe Hepler
John Liebermann
Dennis Morgan, Liaison for Chair
Paul Mutchler
John Stanko
Serving during the month of August
If you are interested in serving for a future month, click on the contact person's email link.
Contact Karl Kalk
Aug 4--Veronica Kreemer
Aug 11--Sue Reid
Aug 18--Karl Kalk
Aug 25--Kathryn Myers
Contact Patty Long
Aug 4--Dennis Morgan & Kathryn Myers Aug 11--Tracy Schmolt & Carol Stoner Aug 18--Dwight Butler & Cindy Lash Aug 25--Patty Long & Gary Collard
Contact Karl Kalk
Aug 4--Russ & Mary Ann Poling Aug 11--Greg & Linda Klein
Aug 18--Gary Collard
Aug 25--Craig Maurer
Choose My Church by Pushpay from the App Store.
Find the "My Church" by Pushpay app in the App store on your phone or computer. It is a free download.
Open the app and search for St. Paul's by typing STPLC APP. Then click on the St. Paul's logo.
To take advantage of all the app’s features, you must create an account. Get notifications and reminders of upcoming events, access our live stream worship and worship bulletins, send prayer requests, see the church calendar, and give electronically.
St. Paul's
Evangelical Lutheran Church
We are a community of believers called together to be the Body of Christ for the sake of our families, community and our world. We invite you to join us for worship on Sunday mornings as we celebrate God’s redeeming and freeing grace in Jesus Christ our Lord.
The Reverend Mark Kreemer officiating.
Thank you to all who have submitted photos for this newsletter. To see more photos, follow the Facebook pages listed below.
Cathedral Concerts Facebook Page
St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church
127 Cherry Rd. NE, Massillon, OH 44646
330 832-7409
Office Hours: T, W, F 9am-1pm
ELCA Vision: A world experiencing the difference God’s grace and love in Christ make for all people and creation..