St. Paul's
Evangelical Lutheran Church
127 Cherry Rd. NE, Massillon, OH 44646
330 832-7409
September 2024 Newsletter
- Pastoral message
- Upcoming events
- Bible studies on Sunday and Thursday
- Cathedral Concert Series to begin
September 29
- Church Council highlights
- Income and expense summary
- Capital Fund Update
- Plan now to join the Road Rally
- August Community Meal report
- Klein grandbaby baptized
- Church picnic held indoors
- '24-'25 Concert Series
- Follow concert series information
- Save the dates for Bell Choir
- Join our Chancel Choir!
- Prayer list
- September birthdays
- September anniversaries
- Flowers for the altar
- Thank you letters
- Council members
- Committee members
- Serving during the month of September
- St. Paul's phone app
- Red Cross Blood Drive app
Labor Day Devotion: Finding Purpose in Our Work
Dear Friends in Christ,
"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters." —Colossians 3:23 (NIV)
Dear Friends in Christ,
As we pause to observe Labor Day, a day set aside to honor the hard work and dedication of countless individuals, it's a good time to reflect on the value of work from a Christian perspective. Whether our labor takes place in an office, at home, in a classroom, or in the community, Scripture reminds us that all work can be an act of worship when done with the right heart.
God Himself modeled work for us in creation. In Genesis, we see God at work, shaping the universe, bringing order out of chaos, and creating life. After six days of labor, He rested, setting an example for us not only to work diligently but also to take time for rest and reflection.
Colossians 3:23 encourages us to approach our tasks, no matter how big or small, as if we are working for the Lord. This transforms the mundane into the meaningful, and the routine into a form of worship. When we offer our work to God, we find purpose and fulfillment, knowing that our efforts are not in vain but part of a larger, divine plan.
On this Labor Day, let's give thanks for the ability to work, for the opportunities we've been given, and for the rest that allows us to recharge and reflect. Let us also pray for those who are struggling with unemployment or difficult work conditions, asking God to provide for their needs and to guide them into meaningful work that brings glory to Him.
Pastor Mark
The church calendar is always available on every page of the church website on the right side, along with the church address, phone number, email address, and Youtube link for the online services. The online calendar contains the most up-to-date listing of events.
Sunday: Worship 10:00 am
Wednesday: Choir rehearsal 7 pm
Wednesday: Snip-N-Stitch 9 am
Thursday, September 5, 6 pm--Friendship Circle
Tuesday, September 10, 7 pm--Church Council
Friday, September 13, 4:30-6:00 pm--Community Meal and Clothes Closet
Saturday, September 14, 5:30--Euchre Night @ St. Jacobs
Tuesday, September 17, 6 pm--Finance Committee
Saturday, September 21--Deadline for October issue news
Monday, August 26, 12-6 pm--Blood Drive (See app at bottom of newsletter.)
Sunday, September 22, 4 pm--Pizza and Movie Night (Les Miz)
Wednesday, September 25, 6:00 pm--Bell Choir
Sunday, September 29--Art Show (3-5 pm) and Singers Companeye (5-7 pm)
Sunday, October 6, 3 pm, at Holy Trinity pavilion in Massillon--Blessing of the Animals
Bible studies on Sunday and Thursday
Adult Sunday School Class
Let’s Start at the Beginning!
God saw every thing that he made, and indeed, it was very good. (Genesis 1:31)
We will begin our new series this fall with a study of key stories from the book of Genesis. Some of these stories will be more familiar than others, but all will clearly show that God makes and keeps promises that reflect God’s abundant love and grace for all creation.
The class meets on Sundays at 11:30, beginning September 8th, on the upper level of Parish Hall. An elevator is available for easy access. Please consider joining us!
Thursday Morning Bible Study
Beginning September 5th 10:00 am
During the Month of September, we will finish Ten Women of the Bible by Max Lucado.
Starting October 3rd, we will begin a new study titled The Grace of Les Misérables. Victor Hugo’s Les Misérables is a truly epic story. Whether you’ve tackled the 1,400-page 19th century novel, witnessed the Broadway musical (and memorized its soundtrack), or seen the several screen adaptations of it, you already know the power of its story.
In the six-week study The Grace of Les Misérables, author and pastor Matt Rawle dives into six ideals found in the story—grace, justice, poverty, revolution, love, and hope—each represented by a character in Hugo’s story. As these imperfect and relatable characters interact, we can see how these ideals work together (perhaps even in spite of each other) out in the world.
Cathedral Concert Series to begin September 29
For our first concert of the year, we are proud to bring back one of northeast Ohio’s premiere choral ensembles, Singers Companye. Celebrating their 25th anniversary season, they will present Dan Forrest’s Jubilate Deo on Sunday, September 29 at 5 pm.
"This modern work is a brilliant statement about diverse cultures, that demonstrates how music is a vehicle for building community. Sung in seven languages (English, Latin, Hebrew, Arabic, Mandarin Chinese and Spanish), the spectacular multi-movement celebration is a setting of Psalm 100. The ensemble’s Artistic Director, Samuel Gordon, is conducting this program and will be joined by the organization’s VoxMix Collective."
Read more about this ensemble by clicking on the button below.
Art Show in lounge before concert
Janet’s original paintings were so popular at our spring fund raiser that we asked her to do a solo show with more of her art. Several pieces of her work are already displayed in the lounge. Janet will be adding more paintings for this art show, which is scheduled before the first Cathedral Concert, and the pieces will be available for purchase. A portion of the money will be donated to St. Paul’s.
Join us for appetizers and wine in the lounge from 3:00-5:00 pm.
Church Council highlights
Report from July 9, 2024, Council meeting
Church Council met on August 13. In Pastor Mark’s report he asked Council to approve the membership application, by transfer, of Annabelle Roehlig. Council was delighted to do so, and we welcome Anabelle into membership at St. Paul’s.
It was also announced that there will be a blessing of the animals on Sunday afternoon, Oct. 6, at Holy Trinity in Massillon.
Jim Johnson, Chair of the Property Management Committee, also attended the meeting to recommend that Council approve an “Architectural Construction Document Services” contract from John Picard, Architect. The central purpose of the contract is to ensure that necessary documents are prepared and specific services carried out to complete the next two capital improvement projects, beginning with the development of specific construction plans and the all-important abiding process.
The two projects include the entryway (portico) enclosure and the building of new accessible bathrooms in Parish Hall across from the lounge. The agreement from John Picard is very detailed and specific to the documents and plans he will prepare and the services he or others will carry out, including additional engineers and construction specialists. John Picard will be especially valuable as he makes certain that all plans and subsequent construction, including that regulated by accessibility law, will pass the established codes. He will remain under contract to St. Paul’s Lutheran Church throughout the duration of these two construction projects. The total cost of his services for this contract is $40,400. Council approved the contract as part of the capital campaign project.
Collaboration exploration
On Saturday, August 3, from 9 until noon, Council members Shane Jackson, Patty Long, Jackie Pritchett, Tracie Schmolt, Carol Stoner, and Pastor Mark met at St. Jacob Lutheran in Massillon to consider how the Massillon Lutheran churches might intentionally collaborate to meet the needs and support the ministries of all. The NEO synod sent leadership to facilitate the discussion with representatives from Faith Lutheran, Holy Trinity Lutheran, Christ Lutheran, St. Jacob Lutheran, and our own St. Paul’s Lutheran. No specific plans for collaboration were proposed but discussion will continue within each of the churches, and then the churches will reconvene at some future date. Small group discussions will be held at St. Paul’s this fall to gain insight and input from our members concerning what collaboration might be perceived as beneficial and what may not be.
Serving children and youth
Youth and Parish Education met on August 4. Jackie Pritchett reported there was good discussion about how future activities and programs might be developed to attract and serve children and youth in our congregation and beyond.
Barb Palmer reported from the Scholarship Committee and announced that the following individuals will receive scholarship awards from St. Paul’s for the fall semester: Tony Davila, Caroline Deerwester, Brooke Duplain, Lauren (Klein) Karch, Aaliyah Litman, and Annabelle Roehlig.
Please note, scholarship amounts are determined based on the amount of gain realized from the investment of funds dedicated for this purpose, divided by the number of awardees.
Respectfully shared,
Patty Long
President, Church Council
Income and expense summary: starting the new fiscal year
Financial notes: Financial notes: We are off to a good start. Our surplus was aided by our quarterly $4,000 distribution from the estate of Fannie Portz.
Dan Farrar, Treasurer
Plan now to join the Road Rally
August Community Meal report
Jack and Marsha Fortune report on the past month's Community Meal:
St. Paul’s opened its doors for the monthly Community Meal and Community Closet on Friday, August 9. All enjoyed a dinner of DiRusso sausage sandwiches with peppers and onions, homemade potato salad, fresh fruit and either cookies or ice cream for dessert. A total of 95 meals were served. The potato salad was provided by one of our members who is well known for her homemade potato salad. The cookies were made by a friend of the congregation who regularly supports our ministry with cookie donations, and the fruit was gifted by yet another member in support of what we do. We are so fortunate to have so many people who give us such strong support in making this outreach to the community a success.
Among the attendees were 3 children. We gave these young people a toy (as we always do). However, we also gave them a book. In the past we had always given a book and a toy to the children. We stopped giving books when Covid hit. We now feel comfortable in reinstating the giving of children’s books.
The Community Closet was visited by nearly all of those who came to eat. This is such an important part of our ministry, and we thank you for keeping us so well stocked! Your generosity of donations has been wonderful!
Our monthly “care bag team” was, as usual, very busy. This part of the ministry fills the need these people have beyond a quality meal and quality clothing. It provides our visitors with common household items such as paper towels and Kleenex, among other things.
Our ministry here is a reflection of our love for this community and those in need. We are all God’s people. All praise and honor to Him!
St. Paul’s Community Meal and Community Closet provide a free meal and clothing for all on the 2nd Friday of each month. Our next opening is Friday, September 13, from 4:30 to 6:00. Thank you for your prayers and continued support.
--Jack and Marsha Fortune
The congregation observed the Sacrament of Holy Baptism for Matthew Klein Karch on Sunday, August 4, 2024. Pastor Mark, parents (Lauren and Christopher Karch), grandparents (Greg and Lynda Klein, Eric and Linda Karch), uncle (Bruce Gallagher), and godparents (Lisa Gallagher and Jamal Tucker) joined the celebration.
Church picnic held indoors
The rain was coming and going on Sunday afternoon, August 18, so even though games were set up outdoors and enjoyed by several, the main event was held inside in the Fellowship Hall. Food was excellent, as always. Thanks to all those who helped in the kitchen and to Dennis Morgan and Dave Stoner for manning the grills. Music was provided by Three Amigos DJ Service.
Note from our Director of Music, Dr. Abigail Haake:
Part of our mission is to make our concerts accessible to all. All concerts are offered at no cost to those attending, and while we do collect a free will offering at every concert, the monies collected cover only a portion of our expenses.
Would you consider helping us with this outreach ministry by becoming a patron? Any donation is gratefully and joyfully received!
DONOR LEVELS to be recognized in programs at the concert:
Patron: $50+ Beethoven Circle: $150+ Bach Circle: $250+ Conductor's Circle: $500 and over
You can give electronically on your smart phone by texting STPAUL MASSILLON to 833-245-7486, and select one-time donation to Cathedral Concert Series.
We have matched and surpassed the $3,642 amount given by the Ohio Arts Council grant. We are well on our way to reach the $20,000 goal for the year. Currently we have, including the grant money, $9542 committed. We thank our donors for their support.
Follow concert series information on web and on FB
The church website provides information about each of the upcoming concerts: background about the artists, additional photos, reviews. Click on the button below to see the full list. Once on the site, click on the name of each group to learn more about them.
Another excellent source of information is our newly redesigned Facebook page dedicated to the Concert Series. Click the button below to access this page. Follow the page and share with your friends.
Save the dates for Bell Choir
Bell choir rehearsals will resume September 25, October 2, and October 9
in preparation to ring October 13
November 20, December 4, and December 11 in preparation to ring December 15.
Please consider joining this ensemble. The more ringers, the more fun!
Please RSVP Abby so she can be sure to have music for you.
The choir's first rehearsal will be September 4 at 7:00 upstairs in the choir room of Parish Hall. We meet every Wednesday and come early on Sunday (9 am) to warm up and brush up on Sunday's music.
We're always glad to welcome new members!
Karl Kalk, Ariane Roberts, Shane Reed, Chrissy Sturtz, Donnie Whitman, Risa Blyer, Michael Jordan, Rick Theiss, Mary Ann Hinton, Dave Paul, Cheryl Lash, Jessica Swank, Mary Martin, Mary Ann Breslin, Amy White, Lindsay Mays, Errett Butler, Theresa Eckleberry, Michael Jordan, Chris Collard, Jackie Whitman, Maria Lichtenberger,
and Bobbee DeGordon.
Favorite Bible or hymn verses: Every month we invite those celebrating birthdays to share their favorite verses. Be ready to send yours in!
Julia Englehart: "Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." Thessalonians 5:18
Carol Butler: "Do not be afraid, I am with you / I have called you each by name / Come and follow Me / I will bring you home / I love you and you are mine." From the anthem "You Are Mine" by David Haas.
Sep 2--James Vallance
Sep 3--Judy Fichter
Sep 5--Robert Davies
Sep 5--Brooke Larson
Sep 6--Carol Butler
Sep 6--Larry Sheets
Sep 6--Jaden Brumfield
Sep 7--Sue Jones
Sep 7--Gwen Halco
Sep 8--James Starrett
Sep 8--Sam Monastra
Sep 9--Patricia Pratt
Sep 10--Brenda Brown
Sep 11--Parker Moden
Sep 11--Jennifer Stanko
Sep 11--Thomas Schmolt
Sep 12--Ryan Skelly
Sep 13--Layne Getz
Sep 14--Samantha Haring Sep 15--Jack Lang
Sep 17--Elliana Monastra
Sep 20--Haley Myer
Sep 21--Madison Reiman
Sep 22--Doug Books
Sep 22--Darlene Lewis
Sep 22--Daniel Farrar
Sep 23--Bronwyn Dourm
Sep 23--Wendy Reiman
Sep 23--Jackelyn Howe
Sep 24--Julia Englehart
Sep 24--Jarrett Deuble
Sep 24--Ethan Deuble
Sep 26--Janet Kuller
Sep 29--Duane Books
Sep 29--Evan Myers
Sep 29--Christopher Collard Sep 29--Amy Stuck
September wedding anniversaries
Sep 4--Daniel & Sandra Bennett
Sep 7--Mark & Veronica Kreemer
Sep 11--Harry & Sue Morgan
Sep 13--Matthew & Tracie Brumfield
Sep 16--Sam & Deidra Monastra
Sep 21--D. Richard & Vivian Getz
Sep 27--Brandon & Marissa Cole
Please text Sue Ambrosic at 330-844-7648 if you would like to have the Altar or Throne flowers for 2024.
The cost of Altar flowers is $40 per Sunday; the Throne flowers are $28. Please contact Patty Carmola if you have any questions at 330-832-9405. You will be billed directly by Carmola's Flowers in Massillon.
Thank you, St. Paul's, and the many congregation members who helped with my semi-surprise birthday party. I won't mention names, because they are a humble group. The service opening with Julia being the sign language portion of a duet of "I Can Only Imagine," the muscle power and time given, the delicious cakes, the photographer—all contributed to the event.
It provided me an opportunity to get to know a few congregants a little better, and I appreciated their talents a little more.
Bob Englehart
Dwight Butler
Gary Collard
Shane Jackson
Cindy Lash
Dennis Morgan
Kathryn Myers
Barb Palmer
Jackie Pritchett
Carol Stoner
Kathryn Myers, Chair
Amy Burkett,
Sue Ambrosic
Gayle Jackson
Becky Johnson
Cindy Lash
Deidra Monastra
Dan Farrar, Chair
Shane Jackson
Greg Klein
John Liebermann
Patty Long
Tracie Schmolt
John Stanko
Greg Klein, Chair
Carol Butler
Dwight Butler
Abigail Haake
Karl Kalk
Patty Long
Kathryn Myers
Kim Oberlin
Phyllis Staver
Cindy Lash, Chair
Christine Bates
Judy Fichter
Lynda Klein
Deidra Monastra
Kathryn Myers
Kim Oberlin
JuDee Reed
David Stoner
LaShell Williamson
Jim Johnson, Chair
Dave Allman
Joe Hepler
John Liebermann
Dennis Morgan, Liaison for Chair
Paul Mutchler
John Stanko
Serving during the month of September
If you are interested in serving for a future month, click on the contact person's email link.
Contact Karl Kalk
Sep 1: Patricia Long
Sep 8: Dave Stoner
Sep 15: Scott Larson
Sep 22: Carol Stoner
Sep 30: Veronica Kreemer
Contact Patty Long
Sep 1: Shane Jackson, Barb Palmer
Sep 8: Jackie Pritchett, Greg Klein
Sep 15: Dennis Morgan, Kathryn Myers
Sep 22: Trace Schmolt, Carol Stoner
Sep 30: Dwight Butler, Cindy Lash
Contact Karl Kalk
Sep 1: Marilyn Norton
Sep 8: Sue Ambrosic
Sep 15: Rob Pritchett
Sep 22: Pastor Lynn and
La Shell Williamson
Sep 30: Dick & Robyn Cordes
Contact Dick Longworth
Dave Dourm, Russ Poling, Phil Halco, Tracie Schmolt
Red Cross Blood Drive app
For an easier way to schedule your donation with the Red Cross, download this app. Scan the QR code above or go to their website for more information.
Choose My Church by Pushpay from the App Store.
Find the "My Church" by Pushpay app in the App store on your phone or computer. It is a free download.
Open the app and search for St. Paul's by typing STPLC APP. Then click on the St. Paul's logo.
To take advantage of all the app’s features, you must create an account. Get notifications and reminders of upcoming events, access our live stream worship and worship bulletins, send prayer requests, see the church calendar, and give electronically.
St. Paul's
Evangelical Lutheran Church
We are a community of believers called together to be the Body of Christ for the sake of our families, community and our world. We invite you to join us for worship on Sunday mornings as we celebrate God’s redeeming and freeing grace in Jesus Christ our Lord.
The Reverend Mark Kreemer officiating.
Thank you to all who have submitted photos for this newsletter. To see more photos, follow the Facebook pages listed below.
Cathedral Concerts Facebook Page
St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church
127 Cherry Rd. NE, Massillon, OH 44646
330 832-7409
Office Hours: T, W, F 9am-1pm
ELCA Vision: A world experiencing the difference God’s grace and love in Christ make for all people and creation..