St. Paul's
Evangelical Lutheran Church
127 Cherry Rd. NE, Massillon, OH 44646
330 832-7409
Contact Us: Click to send an email
- A Devotional Letter: A Call to Courage and Simplicity
- Upcoming events
- Women's Lenten Retreat
- Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner
- Blood Drive Dates
- Bible studies on Sunday and Thursday
- Church Council highlights
- Income and expense summary
- Capital Fund Update
- Soprano Minnita Daniel-Cox to perform February 23 at 4 pm
- '24-'25 Concert Series
- Handbells to play twice this spring
- January Community Meal report
- Jack and Marsha reflect on their ministry
- Prayer list update
- February birthdays
- 90th birthday party for John Tasseff
- February wedding anniversaries
- Vintage postcard
- Flowers for the altar for 2025
- Thank you notes
- Time for soup orders
- Scholarship recipient update: Ben Myers
- Council members
- Committee members
- Serving during the month of February
- St. Paul's phone app
A Devotional Letter: A Call to Courage and Simplicity
Dear Friends,
With all the excitement surrounding the release of the new Dietrich Bonhoeffer movie, I recently ordered a book titled After Ten Years: A Reckoning Made at the New Year 1943. This remarkable work examines a letter Bonhoeffer wrote to his closest friends as dawn was breaking on a new year.
The letter serves as a profound reckoning of ten years of Nazi rule in Germany. Bonhoeffer reflects on how reasonable people are confronted with evil disguised as good—a deception so insidious that it demands both vigilance and discernment. He also acknowledges a sobering truth: this evil is not entirely absent from within ourselves.
As we begin every new year, we are reminded that time often compels us to pause and take stock—not merely of the events around us but also of the condition of our hearts and the integrity of our actions. Eighty years ago, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, writing under the shadow of tyranny and persecution, posed a haunting question that echoes through the decades: Are we still of any use?
Bonhoeffer’s words come from a place of deep reflection on what it means to witness evil and endure hardship. He reminds us that silence in the face of injustice is not neutral—it is complicity. When we allow fear, exhaustion, or cynicism to rule our lives, we risk losing not only our ability to act but also our ability to remain true to who we are called to be.
Bonhoeffer wrote:
We have been silent witnesses of evil deeds: we have been drenched by many storms; we have learned the arts of equivocation and pretense; experience has made us suspicious of others and kept us from being truthful and open; intolerable conflicts have worn us down and even made us cynical. Are we still of any use?
He goes on to challenge us with a vision for renewal:
We shall not need geniuses, or cynics, or misanthropes, or clever tacticians, but rather plain, honest, straightforward men. Will our inward power of resistance be strong enough, and our honesty with ourselves remorseless enough, for us to find our way back to simplicity and straightforwardness?
This is not merely a historical question, nor one reserved for the extraordinary circumstances of Nazi Germany. It is a question for us today. In a world still marked by injustice, oppression, and suffering, we are confronted daily with opportunities to act, to speak truth, and to embody Christ’s love in a broken world. But the temptation to retreat into comfort, cynicism, or resignation remains strong.
Bonhoeffer reminds us that Christian discipleship requires courage—not the courage of grand gestures, but the courage of everyday faithfulness. To be “plain, honest, straightforward” is to reflect the humility and integrity of Christ. It is to resist the falsehoods of the world and to stand unwaveringly for what is good, even when it costs us dearly.
This new year calls us to examine our hearts. Have we become too weary to stand for truth? Too suspicious to love our neighbor? Too complacent to resist evil when it masquerades as good? The question Bonhoeffer asked in 1943 remains pressing: Are we still of any use?
Yet this is not a call to despair, but to hope. The God who empowered Bonhoeffer and countless others to act with faith and courage in dark times is the same God who walks with us today. Scripture reminds us:
He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God (Micah 6:8).
May we have the courage to answer God’s call—not with grandness, but with the steadfast simplicity of love and integrity. As we begin this new year, let us resolve to be people of compassion, truth, and action. Let us renew our inward strength and embrace the straightforwardness Bonhoeffer spoke of. In doing so, we will honor his legacy and, more importantly, reflect the light of Christ in the world.
Pastor Mark
The church calendar is always available on every page of the church website on the right side, along with the church address, phone number, email address, and Youtube link for the online services. The online calendar contains the most up-to-date listing of events.
Sunday: Worship 10:00 am
Sunday: Sunday School 11:30 am
Wednesday: Chancel Choir 7 pm
Wednesday: Snip-N-Stitch 9 am
Thursday: Bible Study 10 am
Tuesday, February 4, 6:30 pm--Worship and Music Committee (1st Tuesday of month)
Friday, February 14, 4:30-6:00 pm--Community Meal and Clothes Closet (2nd Friday of month)
Tuesday, February 11, 7 pm--Church Council (2nd Tuesday of month)
Tuesday, February 18, 6 pm--Finance Committee (3rd Tuesday of month)
Tuesday, February 21--Deadline for February issue news
Prayer: Let’s Talk to God
Sunday, March 1, 9 am to 3 pm
St. Paul’s Lutheran Church
You are invited to attend a Women’s Lenten Retreat on Saturday, March 1 from 9 am until 3 pm at the church. The theme of the retreat is prayer. Bible study, practical strategies to improve a life of prayer, and worship will be included. The retreat is being led by LaShell Williamson and Patty Long. So that all women might enjoy the full day, you are asked to bring your own light lunch. Beverages will be provided.
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner
The Fellowship Committee invites you to a delicious pancake dinner on Shrove Tuesday. Mark your calendar!
Save the dates to give the gift of life.
2025 Blood Drives @ St. Paul's:
Noon until 6:00 pm
Monday March 3, 2025
Monday May 5, 2025
Monday, August 25, 2025
Click on or copy and paste the link below to schedule an appointment for our next blood drive.
Bible studies on Sunday and Thursday
Adult Sunday School Class
For you, O Lord, are my hope, my trust…. (Psalm 71:5a)
Why This?
Ever wonder what in the world God is doing? Have you ever asked - where is God’s justice, where is his grace? The Genesis stories we explore in February will help us answer these questions and hopefully increase our trust. Please join us at 11:30 each Sunday to study and discuss Scripture and enjoy the fellowship. We meet on the top floor of Parish Hall. An elevator is available for your convenience.
Thursday Morning Bible Study
Beginning January 9th, 2025
Jesus was fond of asking questions, many of which cut right to the heart of what it means to be human. Why are you terrified? What do you live for? Who do you say that I am?
Magrey deVega explores six of the most provocative questions Jesus posed to others and guides us in answering them for ourselves. Asking these questions takes courage. Not only do they reveal what Jesus really cares about, they open a window into our hearts. When we dare to raise them, these questions bring us a fuller appreciation for the wisdom, power, and presence of God in our lives.
Are you ready to answer the Questions Jesus Asked?
Church Council highlights
Report from Sunday, January 19, 2025, Council meeting
Due to cold and snowy conditions, the Council meeting scheduled for Tuesday, January 14, was cancelled and rescheduled for Sunday, January 19, at 9:30. The abbreviated meeting was held to review and support in particular the recommendations of the Mission Endowment Committee as well as the Scholarship Committee.
Mission Endowment Committee
The Mission Endowment Committee recommended the approval of two financial contributions. One is an award of $5,000 for Lutheran Disaster Response to help so many affected by the devastating fires in California. The other is a gift of $2000 to Compassion Delivered, Inc., a non-profit established in 2017 dedicated to delivering nutritious meals to families who have loved ones suffering from life-threatening or terminal diseases. Since being established, the organization has served over 60,000 meals.
Barb Palmer, chair of the Scholarship Committee, asked that we approve scholarship awards for college students starting their second semester of school this January. The individuals are Tony Davila, Caroline Deerwester, Brooke Duplain, Aaliyah Litman, and Anabelle Roehlig. Scholarship amounts are determined based on the amount of gain realized from the investment of funds in the Scholarship Endowment, divided by the number of awardees.
Council would like to extend special thanks to the congregation for the generous giving in the month of December towards the current operating fund, the staff Christmas gifts, as well as the Capital Campaign. It is so encouraging to witness the response of the congregation to these giving opportunities. The ministry of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church is only possible as the Lord blesses through the generosity of the congregation.
Respectfully shared,
Patty Long
President, Church Council
Income and expense summary
Financial notes: Five Sundays, Christmas and year end donations contributed to December’s surplus. We also received over $4,000 for our staff Christmas gifts and $26,460 for our Capital Campaign. Thanks to all who donated.
--Dan Farrar, Treasurer
Soprano Minnita Daniel-Cox to perform February 23 at 4 pm
Profile from the University of Dayton:
Dr. Minnita Daniel-Cox attended Bowling Green State University, where she received a Bachelor of Music in Music Performance, and the University of Michigan, where she earned her Master of Music and her Doctorate of Musical Arts degrees.
In 2014 Dr. Daniel-Cox established the Dunbar Music Archive and has presented her research for the National Association of Teachers of Singing, the National Opera Association, College Music Society, Society for American Music, National Association for Music Education, International Society for Music Education, Song Collaborators Consortia, Ohio Music Education Association and the International Association of Sound and Audiovisual Archives. She has performed Dunbar Archive repertoire recitals in venues across the United States and around the world. Dr. Daniel-Cox has received over $350,000 in funding for her Dunbar work, including two National Endowment for the Humanities grants and a Mellon Foundation grant for the Dunbar Project.
Dr. Daniel-Cox regularly appears with the Dayton Philharmonic Orchestra, the Springfield Symphony Orchestra, the Miami Valley Symphony Orchestra and the Bach Society of Dayton. Recently, she has performed the roles of Anna Gomez in Menotti’s The Consul and Sister Rose in Dead Man Walking with Dayton Opera. She is regularly featured in broadcasts for WDPR Discover Classical. She is currently Professor of Voice and Coordinator of the Voice Area at the University of Dayton, where she teaches applied lessons and music courses, serves as Artistic Director of the yearly musical/opera productions, coordinates the Dayton Opera Apprentice Program and coordinates the Vocal Performance Institute, a summer program for high school-aged singers.
To hear a sampling of Minnita Daniel-Cox's artistry, click below to experience the hauntingly beautiful "Your Daddy's Son" from the musical Ragtime.
Note from our Director of Music, Dr. Abigail Haake:
Part of our mission is to make our concerts accessible to all. All concerts are offered at no cost to those attending, and while we do collect a free will offering at every concert, the monies collected cover only a portion of our expenses.
Would you consider helping us with this outreach ministry by becoming a patron? Any donation is gratefully and joyfully received!
DONOR LEVELS to be recognized in programs at the concert:
Patron: $50+ Beethoven Circle: $150+ Bach Circle: $250+ Conductor's Circle: $500 and over
You can give electronically on your smart phone by texting STPAUL MASSILLON to 833-245-7486 and select one-time donation to Cathedral Concert Series.
Handbells to play twice this spring
Save the dates for spring handbell ringing! The bells will rehearse March 12, 19, & 26 in preparation to play March 30 AND April 30, May 7, & May 14 in preparation to play on May 18! Please let Abby know if you plan to ring so that she can have music prepared for you!
January Community Meal report
Children enjoy the warmth and hospitality provided by our church members.
It was a VERY cold night for our Community Meal, so, chili, hot dogs, chips and a sweet treat was a perfect fit. We made plenty of chili and hot dogs, so seconds were available--and gladly taken! Due to the weather, attendance was below normal, with an attendance of 70, but those who attended were very appreciative.
As usual, most visited the Community Closet either before or after the meal, looking especially for warm clothes, coats, hats and scarves. If you have any of these items, along with NEW underwear, please have them to the church prior to our next meal, which is February 14th.
Also, if you can provide desserts or sweet treats for our meals, that would be great, because it will reduce our spending cost. Please deliver to the church Thursday by noon, prior to each meal (February 13, this month).
St. Paul’s Community Meal and Community Closet provides a free meal and clothing for all on the 2nd Friday of each month. Our next meal is Friday, February 14th, 4:30 to 6:00.
If you have any questions, or if you would like to help, please feel free to reach out to Kim or David.
Many thanks to our volunteers and those who support us financially. Without you, our mission would not be the success it is. Please continue to pray for our mission and those in need.
Blessings and Peace,
phone links: Kim Oberlin and David Stoner
email links: Kim Oberlin and David Stoner
Jack and Marsha reflect on their ministry
As announced in last month’s newsletter, Jack and Marsha Fortune, who have led the monthly Community Meal and Clothes Closet outreach, are stepping down as the leaders, though they still plan to be part of the program as long as they are able. I was able to spend a little time with them reflecting over their experiences in the past decade.
Jack and Marsha had always been very active in their church life, believing it was important and vital in their Christian walk, and so when they joined St. Paul’s, they started volunteering in the outreach ministry here. Initially called “The Soup Kitchen,” the program was renamed the “Community Meal,” reflecting the relationship the Fortunes were trying to cultivate as they took over the leadership.
Jack and Marsha believe in treating all with respect and preserving dignity, not letting people feel lesser because they have come for a free meal. Respect is shown from the start in the menu choices. Marsha said she was determined to never serve a meal that she wouldn’t serve at home. The goal was always to have complete and nutritious meals.
Another goal was to create a shared camaraderie among the servers and the guests. They wanted people to look forward to the gathering—not just eat but also to have a chance to talk and get to know others. It’s never a problem having a good time in the kitchen when the volunteers get together. Vera Gerber and Jack enjoyed a lively banter over the years; once even Julia surprised everyone by doing the splits! While Marsha spent more time in the kitchen, Jack would be mingling with the guests, sitting down to talk and making them feel welcome. He has a special rapport with the children.
The rewards for their work were expressed not only in the gratitude and thanks they received, but also in the lives they saw touched. A community network has grown out of this project. For example, a woman told a neighbor, a widow who was living a lonely life, about the monthly gathering. Now this widow has a new circle of friends and has developed a renewal of life after years of loneliness. Another elderly woman doesn’t come for a meal for herself but instead to get a to-go meal for another elderly friend in her apartment building who can’t come.
The work has its heart-breaking moments as well. Jack knows that some of the guests have been homeless and fear staying at shelters, which can be dangerous places. Jack says, “Sometimes no matter how much you do, you always wish you could do more.”
Challenges have arisen. Once, due to a concerning leak in Fellowship Hall, the whole endeavor was shifted to the Gleitsman Lounge; tables and chairs and food and all were carried up a flight! And of course, Covid took its toll. For 9 months the program was suspended, and once re-opened, they had to monitor the guests’ temperatures at the door and pass out masks. Pre-Covid, the attendance was in the 80-100 range. Post-Covid the numbers dipped to 50-60. Just recently, though, they have been back to the previous levels, close to 100.
When asked what they would say to someone considering getting involved in this ministry, Jack had two words, “Do it!” He believes it is what God wants us to do; it is our obligation to reach out to people. He reminds us that “even if you aren’t physically able to be present on the monthly dates, there are still things you can do.” Marsha and Jack are grateful that Kim Oberlin and Dave Stoner have stepped up as the new leaders. Be sure to contact them if you’d like to participate in this ministry and continue the legacy that Marsha, Jack, and all the other volunteers have invested so much of themselves in as part of St. Paul’s outreach to the community.
One of the two cakes presented to the Fortunes at the December Community Meal.
Chrissy Sturtz, Shirley Douglas, Matt Moore, Amy Williams, Phyllis Wilson, Jackie Whitman, Jessie Shaffer, Mark King, Rick Theiss, Ariane Roberts.
Favorite Bible or hymn verses: Every month we invite those celebrating birthdays to share their favorite verses. Be ready to send in yours!
Marsha Wright, February 15: "Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise him, all creatures here below; Praise him above, O heav'nly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost." (Doxology--Old Hundreth)
Larry Oberlin, February 19: "And it came to pass" is a phrase found in the Bible about 500 times. We have the declaration that these things all happened and the reminder that God continually touches upon his creation.
Feb 1--Michael McGraw
Feb 2--Linda Gesen
Feb 3--Carla Myers
Feb 3--Connie Downey
Feb 3--David Burkett
Feb 4--David Dourm
Feb 5--Mary Jo Theiss
Feb 6--Alyson Dunlap
Feb 11--Lucinda Lash
Feb 12--Carole Fisher
Feb 13--Henry Haake
Feb 15--Marcia Wright
Feb 15--Gladys Zepp
Feb 16--Tyler Myer
Feb 18--Aaron Inkinen
Feb 19--Lawrence Oberlin
Feb 20--Ryan Hostetler
Feb 22--Alexis Juergensen
Feb 22--Deborah Brown
Feb 24--Norman Hall
Has your birthday or anniversary been missing from the published lists? If so, please contact the office so we can add it to our database. Thank you!
90th birthday party for John Tasseff
Long-time member John Tasseff celebrated his milestone birthday on Saturday, January 11, in the Fellowship Hall. Friends and family enjoyed the afternoon.
John and Shirley first came to St. Paul’s on Christmas Eve of 1957. John’s sister, Helen, was dating Tim Long, the son of the pastor of the time, Rev. James Long, and Tim invited them to the service. They enjoyed it so much that they became members and were married there in August of 1958. They raised their three boys, Todd, Lee, and Craig in the church. They were active members and every Sunday attenders for over sixty years when Shirley passed way in December of 2021. John continues regular attendance and participation today. John is thankful for Patty Long’s Sunday School, the great music of the church, and the lifetime of friends at St. Paul’s!
February wedding anniversaries
Feb. 19-- Charles & Linda Gesen
Office Volunteer Jackie Pritchett found this image of our beautiful church on a Canton history Facebook page. She wonders if anyone has any further information about the photo.
Flowers for the altar for 2025
Please text Sue Ambrosic at 330-844-7648 if you would like to have the Altar or Throne flowers for 2025.
The cost of Altar flowers is $40 per Sunday; the Throne flowers are $28. Please contact Patty Carmola if you have any questions at 330-832-9405. You will be billed directly by Carmola's Flowers in Massillon.
We are now posting the flower chart on the Parish Hall bulletin board, indicating open dates that are available.
On January 12 and 19, several staff and volunteer members were recognized for their service: Treasurer Tracie Schmolt, Music Director Abigail Haake, Custodian Jen Daly, Newsletter Editor Carol Butler, Office Volunteer Jackie Pritchett, Property Manager Jim Johnson, and Livestream Technician John Stanko.
Scholarship recipient update: Ben Myers
Scholarship Committee Chairman Barb Palmer reached out to former scholarship recipients to see where their degrees have taken them. Ben Myers responded as follows:
Ben Myers
Parents: Eric & Carla Myers
Kent State University
Ben graduated from Kent State University with an M.A. in Art Education. He will be continuing his work as an Art Educator in the Canton City School District, while also taking on the role of Curriculum Assistant for the District Art Department.
Ben holds numerous Fine Art roles such as Voice of the McKinley Bulldog Marching Band, Board Member of Patina Arts Centre, the theatre program’s Musical Crew Director for Arts Academy at Summit & Lehman Middle School and is a co-founder of the non-profit Massillon Community Arts Council. During the summer months he also volunteers as a camp art instructor at Lutheran Memorial Camp at Hopewood Pines in Marengo, Ohio.
Dwight Butler
Gary Collard
Shane Jackson
Cindy Lash
Dennis Morgan
Kathryn Myers
Barb Palmer
Jackie Pritchett
Carol Stoner
Kathryn Myers, Chair
Amy Burkett,
Sue Ambrosic
Gayle Jackson
Becky Johnson
Cindy Lash
Deidra Monastra
Dan Farrar, Chair
Shane Jackson
Greg Klein
John Liebermann
Patty Long
Tracie Schmolt
John Stanko
Greg Klein, Chair
Carol Butler
Dwight Butler
Abigail Haake
Karl Kalk
Patty Long
Kathryn Myers
Kim Oberlin
Phyllis Staver
Cindy Lash, Chair
Christine Bates
Judy Fichter
Lynda Klein
Deidra Monastra
Kathryn Myers
Kim Oberlin
JuDee Reed
David Stoner
LaShell Williamson
Jim Johnson, Chair
Dave Allman
Joe Hepler
John Liebermann
Dennis Morgan, Liaison for Chair
Paul Mutchler
John Stanko
Serving during the month of February
If you are interested in serving for a future month, click on the contact person's email link.
Contact Karl Kalk
2/2: Karl Kalk
2/9: Scott Larson
2/16: Dave Stoner
2/23: Veronica Kreemer
Contact Patty Long
2/2: Dwight Butler & Cindy Lash 2/9: Patty Long & Gary Collard
2/16: Shane Jackson & Barb Palmer
2/23: Jackie Pritchett & Greg Klein
Contact Karl Kalk
2/2: Dick & Robyn Cordes
2/9: Russ & Mary Ann Poling
2/16: Greg & Linda Klein
2/23: Gary Collard
Choose My Church by Pushpay from the App Store.
Find the "My Church" by Pushpay app in the App store on your phone or computer. It is a free download.
Open the app and search for St. Paul's by typing STPLC APP. Then click on the St. Paul's logo.
To take advantage of all the app’s features, you must create an account. Get notifications and reminders of upcoming events, access our live stream worship and worship bulletins, send prayer requests, see the church calendar, and give electronically.
St. Paul's
Evangelical Lutheran Church
We are a community of believers called together to be the Body of Christ for the sake of our families, community and our world. We invite you to join us for worship on Sunday mornings as we celebrate God’s redeeming and freeing grace in Jesus Christ our Lord.
The Reverend Mark Kreemer officiating.
Thank you to all who have submitted photos for this newsletter. To see more photos, follow the Facebook pages listed below.
Cathedral Concerts Facebook Page
St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church
127 Cherry Rd. NE, Massillon, OH 44646
330 832-7409
Office Hours: T, W, F 9am-1pm
ELCA Vision: A world experiencing the difference God’s grace and love in Christ make for all people and creation..